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Donating an Item to The Rooms Collection?

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In this section, we’ll guide you through the process of offering an item to The Rooms collections.

When we refer to our "collections," we mean the carefully curated group of objects, artworks, and artifacts that we preserve, display, and study.  Donations play a crucial role in expanding and enriching our collections, helping us continue to offer meaningful experiences to visitors and scholars alike.

1. How do I contact you about items I may wish to offer to The Rooms?

To start the process, please email  or call 709-757-8030 for initial inquiries. Providing photographs and background information on the material (see #5 below) helps Rooms staff evaluate the offer.

2. What is included in the collections of The Rooms?

The Rooms preserves significant collections related to the people, history, geography, and natural history of Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as art from this province and Canada. Our collections encompass archival records, artifacts, artworks, natural history specimens, and archaeological materials.

3. What does The Rooms need to know about my item(s)?

To consider an offer, please provide where possible:

  • A listing or description of items
  • The item history. For example, where did you get the item(s)? Who created the item(s)? 
  • Digital images including close-ups of identifying marks

4. How does The Rooms decide what to collect?

Due to space and resource limitations, decisions to accept items are based on:

  • Relevance to The Rooms collecting mandates
  • Filling gaps in the collections
  • Item condition and storage space availability
  • Suitability of The Rooms as the item’s permanent home
  • Legal considerations

5. Can I just drop off my items to The Rooms Without an Appointment?

No, please do not bring items without an appointment. Staff cannot accept unexpected items due to workload and security reasons.

6. How long will it take to process my offer of donation? 

Offers of interest are regularly reviewed by a Collections Acquisitions Committee. If accepted, processing times can vary from weeks to months, depending on various factors including size of the offer. 

7. Can you tell me how much my item(s) may be worth?

No, our staff cannot provide monetary values of items. 

8. Can I get a tax receipt for my donation? 

Tax receipts may be issued after external, independent appraisalsConsult a tax expert for any questions regarding how this may affect your taxes. There are exceptions regarding certain items for which tax receipts cannot be issued, e.g. archaeological materials. 

9. Will my item(s) be displayed?

Acceptance does not guarantee public exhibition due to planning and space constraints.

The Rooms is a public research facility. Items not displayed or on loan are securely stored. Many archival items are available on-line through The Rooms website or by visiting our Reference Room. Arrangements can be made to view most other items with notice.

10. What can I do if The Rooms is not able to accept my offer?

Items not accepted will be returned to you. When possible we may recommend other institutions you can contact who may be interested in your item(s).

11. What if I change my mind once my donation has been accepted?

Once donated or transferred, items cannot be returned. Contact with concerns.

12. More questions?

Email for further information or inquiries.










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