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Parish Records

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The Parish Records are a collection of copies of original church registers of baptisms, marriages and burials dating from as early 1752 for some areas.

There are approximately 200 Newfoundland and Labrador parishes represented in this collection. The religious denominations include Anglican, Congregational, United Church, Moravian, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic and Salvation Army.

The Parish Records are available for research in the Archives Reference Room.
Finding aids have been compiled thus far for the following religious denominations:

  • Church of England / Anglican
  • Congregational
  • Methodist / United Church
  • Moravian
  • Presbyterian
  • Roman Catholic
  • Salvation Army
  • Appendix 1 - Cemetery Records
  • Appendix 2 - Earliest Records for Various Areas

Parish Records Collection

This extensive collection contains photocopies and/or microfilm copies of original church registers of baptisms, marriages and burials, as well as records of confirmations, minute books and other records of parish life. The original registers remain with the churches.

Approximately 200 Newfoundland and Labrador parishes are represented.  (“Parish” is used here to indicate any district with church(es) and clergy.) Denominations include the Anglican, Congregational, United Church, Moravian, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic and Salvation Army faiths.

Although this is an extensive collection, it is not complete. The Rooms works with parishes to obtain copies of their records. Each parish determines the timeframe for records it will release for copying. Also, many parish records were not transcribed; some have been lost, mainly as a result of fires.

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