Please Note: There is NO Tots Drop in Playdates on March 22 & 25.
The Rooms (St. John’s) / Level 2 / Atrium Cases
June 2019 - June 2020
Exhibit Menu:
- Beaumont-Hamel and the Trail of the Caribou
- Ginok Song: I Reach Home, I am Serene 송진옥: 나는 집으로 다다르고, 고요함이 된다
- Billy Gauthier: The Earth, Our Mother
- Denyse Thomasos: just beyond
- Fantastic Finds: Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador
- How Do I Look?: Ways of Understanding Art
- A Job To Say: Newfoundland and Labrador Expressions
- A Piece of Home: Newfoundland Trigger Mitts and Mittens
- Aishen Antene: 1946 – February 5th, 2019
- Amber-Lynn Thorne: Because of the Sea
- An Afghan Wedding Outfit
- Arts and Letters
- Aspidella! A Significant Fossil Comes Home
- At full tilt: Colette Urban in Western Newfoundland
- Billy Gauthier: Saunituinnaulungitotluni | Beyond Bone
- Burnout: Hot 4 the Moment (Georgia Dawkin and Drew Pardy)
- Christopher Pratt: Drawing from Memory
- Classics in Newfoundland: An Unexpected Presence
- Connections: This Place and Its Early Peoples
- Entering the Great War
- Future possible: Art of Newfoundland & Labrador to 1949
- Gather: In Celebration of Year of the Arts
- Glenn Gear: Ivaluk Ullugiallu | Sinew & Stars
- Gretzky Is Everywhere
- Grounding
- Here, We Made a Home
- Jerry Evans: Weljesi
- Jerry Ropson: To Kiss a Goat Between the Horns
- Kim Morgan: Blood and Breath, Skin and Dust
- Lighting the Way: Newfoundland and Labrador Lighthouses
- Logan Macdonald: Bæōdut / Hidden Histories
- Louis Koenig: Dead Calm but Torrential Rain
- Making Home Here
- Manfred Buchheit: Corners
- Max Streicher: Alto Cumulus
- Mohau Modisakeng: Passage
- Ned Pratt: One Wave
- Nelson White: Eymu’tiek (We Are Here)
- Newfoundland and Labrador From A to Z
- Pepa Chan: Brush
- Philippa Jones: Suspended
- Photography in Canada: 1960 - 2000
- Rodney Latourelle and Louise Witthöft: First We Take the Museum
- Second to None: The History of Aviation in Newfoundland & Labrador
- Tekweywinen tel weljesultiek (Be With Us In Our Joy)
- The House of Wooden Santas
- To Launch Forth into the Deep: A Legacy of Supporting the Arts at Memorial University
- To The Boys Who went West: The National War Memorial in St. john's
- Truth or Myth?
- Up the pond: The Royal St. John’s Regatta
- Witness: Canadian Art of the First World War
- ᑕᑯᒃᓴᐅᔪᒻᒪᕆᒃ Double Vision: Jessie Oonark, Janet Kigusiuq, Victoria Mamnguqsualuk
- A Dog's Age
- From This Place: Our Lives on Land and Sea
- Talamh An Éisc: The Fishing Ground
- 100 Years Later: Titanic in the Archive 1912-2012
A Job To Say: Newfoundland and Labrador Expressions
Nothing gives your identity away quicker than a turn of phrase—especially one greeted by a quizzical pause or a knowing nod. This province is famous for expressions that are puzzling to people “from away.” Many have roots in English and Irish homelands, others are tied to Newfoundland and Labrador ways of life. But it’s “a job to say” where all their origins lie. This light-hearted exhibition explores 14 of our favourites through artifacts and archival images and documents.
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