A journal of predominantly one line entries highlighting events of local, national and international interest, as maintained by various members of the Myrick family at Cape Race and Trepassey.
The journal consists of observations including the establishment of the Marconi Station at Cape Race and the subsequent arrival of the Marconi workers to Cape Race (1904); references to the loss of many vessels including the Titanic (April 1912) and the SS Newfoundland and SS Southern Cross (April 1914). There are also daily entries describing visitors to Cape Race, references to the fishery, community celebrations and family life. Also included are references to delivery of mail, supplies and household goods, arrival and departure of various vessels, births, deaths and marriages at Cape Race and surrounding communities, including St. Shotts and Trepassey.

Initial entries from 1903-December 1930 were written by John Myrick Sr., light keeper at Cape Race. An included note at the conclusion of his portion states: Written by John Myrick Sr. who departed this life at Trepassey Nfld. On Sept. 7th, 1937. RIP”.
Brief entries for September–October 1938 were made by a different writer with no additional entries until two entries were made February 1941. Entries continued in December 1947 until 1951 when entries were again sporadic. Additional notes about 1951 are found at several points throughout the logbook, often at the top or bottom of pages when space allowed. According to information provided by the donor these final entries were made by Patrick J. Myrick, Cape Race.
The final pages of the log book are primarily financial notes related to purchases of household goods and family history notes of the Myrick family.