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Please Note: There is NO Tots Drop in Playdates on March 22 & 25. 

Wednesday Open 10:00 am - 9:00 pm / ALL HOURS
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Trail Of The Caribou

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In the summer of 1914, much of the world was controlled by European powers. The map at the right indicates the extent of their colonial possessions. 

Colonial Possesions

Colonial Possessions 1914

Shortly after the outbreak of the First World War, members of the Newfoundland Regiment left St. John's and travelled across the Atlantic Ocean. They trained in Scotland and England, and then deployed to Gallipoli, Egypt, and finally the Western Front. The map below details the journey of the troops. Click on the red tabs for more information.

A detailed account of the Regiment's activities, from September 1915 to March 1919, is found in the War Diary. 

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